Horseback riding - trail riding

Horseback riding - trail riding

Further trail rides will strengthen the gallop the same way the previous ones strengthened trotting. You may have thought what do I mean by further riding school because you've learned to gallop on different horses and riding school should be over. It should be mentioned that in time, the need to correct riding mistakes with a few individual classes.

It's because during the group classes, I can't subject all my time to the needs of a single rider. Only mentioning the mistake doesn't always do the trick, and sometimes I need to come up with special exercises to effectively fix someones riding style and that's possible only during individual classes. Those classes cost double the money and are really unnecessary if the rider actively participates in every class and tries to fix his own riding style. Sometimes, that's not the case. People just want to enjoy connecting with nature. People go horseback riding to forget the work stresses. Who am I to oppose that? To some people, only a few consecutive falls present a reason to keep their heels down at all times.

The club is situated at a great location for trail rides. We ride in the Vukomericke Gorice, on 800 Ha agricultural land, we can go to Crna Mlaka or swimming with horses at river Kupa. And there are no landmines. Beautiful... And when the riders really master the gallop, let's say after a 20-, 30-hours , we can go on a three day ride to Mrežnica. The work week after that weekend will do you good to rest and start to walk properly again. :)

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